d Northern Regional Power Committee
What's new
 Agenda of 58th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

  Minutes of 57th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

  Notice of 27th Meeting of TeST Sub Committee

 Notice of 58th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Additional Agenda for 78th Northern Regional Power Committee (NRPC) & 53rd Technical Co-ordination Committee (TCC)

 Approved Outage Program of 229th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda for 78th Northern Regional Power Committee (NRPC) & 53rd Technical Co-ordination Committee (TCC)

 Agenda of 229th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Additional agenda of 51st Commercial Sub Committee meeting of NRPC

 Proposed Outage Program of 229th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 228th OCC Meeting

  Agenda for 51st Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee

 Notice of 229th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 57th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Approved Outage Program of 228th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Meeting notice for 53rd Technical Co-ordination Committee (TCC) & 78th Northern Regional Power Committee (NRPC)

  Minutes of 56th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 228th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 227th OCC Meeting

 Proposed Outage Program of 228th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 228th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 57th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

  Notice of 51st Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee

 Agenda of the 2nd meeting of Renewable Energy Sub-committee of NRPC

 Approved Outage Program of 227th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 56th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 227th OCC meeting of NRPC

  Minutes of 55th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 226th OCC Meeting

 Minutes for 77th Northern Regional Power Committee (NRPC) & 52nd Technical Co-ordination Committee (TCC)

 Proposed Outage Program of 227th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 56th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 227th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 26th TeST sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Agenda for 77th Northern Regional Power Committee (NRPC) & 52nd Technical Co-ordination Committee (TCC)

 Approved Outage Program of 226th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 55th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Additional Agenda of 226th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of the 1st meeting of Renewable Energy Sub Committee of NRPC

 Agenda of 226th OCC meeting of NRPC

  Minutes of 54th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Proposed Outage Program of 226th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 55th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 226th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 225th OCC Meeting

 Meeting notice for 52nd Technical Co-ordination Committee (TCC) & 77th Northern Regional Power Committee (NRPC)

 Minutes for 76th Northern Regional Power Committee (NRPC) & 51st Technical Co-ordination Committee (TCC)

 Agenda of 54th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

  Minutes of 53rd Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Agenda for 26th meeting of Telecommunication, SCADA & Telemetry Sub Committee

 Approved Outage Program of 225th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 225th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 224th OCC Meeting

 Proposed Outage Program of 225th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 54th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 30th of LGBR Sub Committee meeting

  50th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee- Minutes

  Notice of 26th Meeting of TeST Sub Committee

 Notice of 30th of LGBR Sub Committee meeting

 Agenda for 76th Northern Regional Power Committee (NRPC) & 51st Technical Co-ordination Committee (TCC)

 Agenda of 53rd Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Approved Outage Program of 224th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 224th OCC meeting of NRPC

  Minutes of 52nd Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Proposed Outage Program of 224th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 223rd OCC Meeting

 Meeting notice for 51st Technical Co-ordination Committee (TCC) & 76th Northern Regional Power Committee (NRPC)

 Notice of 53rd Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 224th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 75th NRPC Meeting

 Agenda of 52nd Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Approved Outage Program of 223rd OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 223rd OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 01st RE Sub-committee meeting.

 Proposed Outage Program of 223rd OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 222nd OCC Meeting

 Notice of 223rd OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 52nd Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Agenda for 75th NRPC Meeting

 Additional agenda of 50th Commercial Sub Committee meeting of NRPC

  Minutes of 51st Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

  Agenda for 50th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee

 Approved Outage Program of 222nd OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 222nd OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 221st OCC Meeting

 Meeting notice for 75th NRPC meeting

 Proposed Outage Program of 222nd OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 222nd OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes for 74th Northern Regional Power Committee (NRPC) & 50th Technical Co-ordination Committee (TCC)

  Notice of 50th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee

 Minutes of 25th TeST sub-committee meeting of NRPC

  Additional Agenda of 51st Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Approved Outage Program of 221st OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 221st OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 51st Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 220th OCC Meeting

 Proposed Outage Program of 221th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Revised meeting notice for 51st Protection Sub-Committee meeting

 Notice of 221st OCC meeting of NRPC

 Additional Agenda 2.0 for 74th Northern Regional Power Committee (NRPC) & 50th Technical Co-ordination Committee (TCC)

 Notice of 51st Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Agenda for 25th meeting of Telecommunication, SCADA & Telemetry Sub Committee

 Additional Agenda for 74th Northern Regional Power Committee (NRPC) & 50th Technical Co-ordination Committee (TCC)

 Approved Outage Program of 220th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda for 74th Northern Regional Power Committee (NRPC) & 50th Technical Co-ordination Committee (TCC)

 Agenda of 220th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 73rd NRPC Meeting

  Notice of 25th Meeting of TeST Sub Committee

  Minutes of 50th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

  49th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee- Minutes

 Meeting notice 74th Northern Regional Power Committee (NRPC) & 50th Technical Co-ordination Committee (TCC)

 Minutes of 219th OCC Meeting

 Notice of 220th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 24th TeST sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Agenda for 73rd NRPC Meeting

 Approved Outage Program of 219th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 219th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Proposed Outage Program of 219th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 218th OCC Meeting

 Meeting notice for 73rd NRPC meeting

 Notice of 219th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 50th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Minutes for 72nd Northern Regional Power Committee (NRPC) & 49th Technical Co-ordination Committee (TCC)

 Approved Outage Program of 218th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 50th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 218th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Proposed Outage Program of 218th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 218th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 217th OCC Meeting

 Additional Agenda for 72nd Northern Regional Power Committee (NRPC) & 49th Technical Co-ordination Committee (TCC)

 Agenda for 72nd Northern Regional Power Committee (NRPC) & 49th Technical Co-ordination Committee (TCC)

 Approved Outage Program of 217th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 217th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 216th OCC Meeting

 Proposed Outage Program of 217th OCC meeting of NRPC

  Minutes of 49th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Meeting notice 72nd Northern Regional Power Committee (NRPC) & 49th Technical Co-ordination Committee (TCC)

  Agenda for 49th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee

 Notice of 217th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 71st NRPC Meeting

  Minutes of 47th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Approved Outage Program of 216th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 216th OCC meeting of NRPC

  Notice of 49th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee

 Minutes of 215th OCC Meeting

 Proposed Outage Program of 216th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 216th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda for 71st NRPC Meeting

  48th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee- Minutes

 Agenda for 24th meeting of Telecommunication, SCADA & Telemetry Sub Committee

 Agenda of 49th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 49th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Meeting notice for 71st NRPC meeting

 Approved Outage Program of 215th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Additional Agenda of 215th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 215th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Proposed Outage Program of 215th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 214th OCC Meeting

 Notice of 215th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Approved Outage Program of 214th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 214th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Proposed Outage Program of 214th OCC meeting of NRPC

  Notice of 24th Meeting of TeST Sub Committee

 Additional Agenda for 70th Northern Regional Power Committee (NRPC) & 48th Technical Co-ordination Committee (TCC)

 Minutes for 70th Northern Regional Power Committee (NRPC) & 48th Technical Co-ordination Committee (TCC)

 Minutes of 213th OCC Meeting

 Notice of 214th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Additional agenda of 48th Commercial Sub Committee meeting of NRPC

 Approved Outage Program of 213th OCC meeting of NRPC

  Agenda for 48th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee

 Proposed Outage Program of 213th OCC meeting of NRPC

  Minutes of 48th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 213th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda for 70th Northern Regional Power Committee (NRPC) & 48th Technical Co-ordination Committee (TCC)

 Minutes of 69th NRPC Meeting

 Notice of 213th OCC meeting of NRPC

  Notice of 48th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee

 Minutes for 23rd meeting of Telecommunication, SCADA & Telemetry Sub Committee

 Approved Outage Program of 212th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 212th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 211th OCC Meeting

 Meeting notice 70th Northern Regional Power Committee (NRPC) & 48th Technical Co-ordination Committee (TCC)

 Proposed Outage Program of 212th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 212th OCC meeting of NRPC

  47th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee- Minutes

 Agenda for 69th NRPC Meeting

 Notice of 48th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Gist of decisions taken in the Part-A of 211th OCC meeting of NRPC.

 Meeting notice for 69th NRPC meeting

 Approved Outage Program of 211th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda for 23rd meeting of Telecommunication, SCADA & Telemetry Sub Committee

 Agenda of 211th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 210th OCC Meeting

 Minutes of 29th of LGBR Sub Committee meeting

 Minutes of 68th NRPC Meeting

  Notice of 23rd Meeting of TeST Sub Committee

 Proposed Outage Program of 211th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 211th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Workshop on IEGC-2023

 Revised Notice of 47th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee

 Additional agenda of 47th Commercial Sub Committee meeting of NRPC

  Agenda for 47th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee

 Approved Outage Program of 210th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Proposed Outage Program of 210th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 210th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda for 68th NRPC Meeting

 Minutes of 209th OCC Meeting

  Notice of 47th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee

 Notice of 210th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Meeting notice for 68th NRPC meeting

 Minutes of 67th NRPC Meeting

 Gist of decisions taken in the Part-A of 209th OCC meeting of NRPC.

 Approved Outage Program of 209th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 209th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 209th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 208th OCC Meeting

 Proposed Outage Program of 209th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Gist of decisions taken in the Part-A of 208th OCC meeting of NRPC.

 Minutes of 22nd TeST sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 66th NRPC Meeting

 Agenda for 67th NRPC Meeting

  Additional Agenda of 47th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Approved Outage Program of 208th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes for 2nd System Studies Sub-Committee meeting

 Agenda of 47th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 208th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 207th OCC Meeting

 Notice of 208th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Proposed Outage Program of 208th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 47th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Gist of decisions taken in the Part-A of 207th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda for 66th NRPC Meeting

 Approved Outage Program of 207th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda for 22nd meeting of Telecommunication, SCADA & Telemetry Sub Committee

 Meeting notice for 66th NRPC meeting

 Minutes of 65th NRPC Meeting

 Agenda of 207th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 206th OCC Meeting

 Proposed Outage Program of 207th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 207th OCC meeting of NRPC

  Notice of 22nd Meeting of TeST Sub Committee

 Gist of decisions taken in the Part-A of 206th OCC meeting of NRPC.

 Approved Outage Program of 206th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda for 65th NRPC Meeting

 Agenda of 206th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 64th NRPC Meeting

 Minutes of 205th OCC Meeting

 Notice of 206th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Proposed Outage Program of 206th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda for 2nd meeting of System Studies Sub-Committee-reg.

 Meeting notice for 65th NRPC meeting

 Notice for 2nd System Studies Sub-Committee meeting

 Gist of decisions taken in the Part-A of 205th OCC meeting of NRPC.

 Approved Outage Program of 205th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 205th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Additional Agenda for 64th NRPC Meeting

 Agenda for 64th NRPC Meeting

 Minutes of 204th OCC Meeting

 Notice of 205th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 63rd NRPC Meeting

 Meeting notice for 64th NRPC meeting

 Proposed Outage Program of 205th OCC meeting of NRPC

  Minutes of 46th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Meeting notice for 63rd NRPC meeting

 Agenda for 63rd NRPC Meeting

 Minutes of 62nd NRPC Meeting

 Minutes of 61st NRPC Meeting

 Agenda for 61st NRPC Meeting

 Gist of decisions taken in the Part-A of 204th OCC meeting of NRPC.

 Minutes of 21st TeST sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Approved Outage Program of 204th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 204th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 203rd OCC Meeting

 Proposed Outage Program of 204th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 204th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda for 62nd NRPC Meeting

 Approved Outage Program of 203rd OCC meeting of NRPC

 Meeting notice for 62nd NRPC meeting

 Agenda of 203rd OCC meeting of NRPC

  Gist of 46th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Proposed Outage Program of 203rd OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 203rd OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 202nd OCC Meeting

 Gist of decisions taken in the Part-A of 202nd OCC meeting of NRPC.

 Agenda of 46th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Approved Outage Program of 202nd OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 60th NRPC Meeting

 Agenda of 202nd OCC meeting of NRPC

 Proposed Outage Program of 202nd OCC meeting of NRPC

  46th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee- Minutes

 Minutes of 60th NRPC Meeting

 Notice of 61st NRPC Meeting

 Minutes of 28th of LGBR Sub Committee meeting

 Minutes of 201st OCC Meeting

 Agenda for 21st meeting of Telecommunication, SCADA & Telemetry Sub Committee

 Notice of 202nd OCC meeting of NRPC

 Revised Notice of 46th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Agenda for 60th NRPC Meeting

 Addendum to Minutes of 59th NRPC Meeting

  Agenda for 46th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee for 28.11.2022

 Gist of decisions taken in the Part-A of 201th OCC meeting of NRPC.

 Approved Outage Program of 201st OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 60th NRPC Meeting

 Minutes of 59th NRPC Meeting

 Agenda of 201st OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 200th OCC Meeting

  Notice of 21st Meeting of TeST Sub Committee

 Minutes of 20th TeST sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 46th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Proposed Outage Program of 201st OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 201st OCC meeting of NRPC

  Notice of 46th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee

 Agenda of 59th NRPC Meeting

 Gist of decisions taken in the Part-A of 200th OCC meeting of NRPC.

 Minutes of 58th NRPC Meeting

 Approved Outage Program of 200th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 59th NRPC Meeting

 Agenda of 200th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 199th OCC Meeting

 Proposed Outage Program of 200th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 200th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 27th of LGBR Sub Committee meeting

  45th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee- Minutes

 Agenda of 58th NRPC Meeting

 Minutes of 57th NRPC Meeting

 Gist of decisions taken in the Part-A of 199th OCC meeting of NRPC.

 Notice of 58th NRPC Meeting

 Approved Outage Program of 199th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 199th OCC meeting of NRPC

  Minutes of 45th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 198th OCC Meeting

 Proposed Outage Program of 199th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 199th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 20th Meeting of TeST Sub-Committee

 Additional Agenda of 57th NRPC Meeting

 Agenda of 57th NRPC Meeting

  Agenda for 45th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee for 29.08.2022

 Gist of decisions taken in the Part-A of 198th OCC meeting of NRPC.

  Notice of 45th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee for 29.08.2022

 Approved Outage Program of 198th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 198th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Proposed Outage Program of 198th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 197th OCC Meeting

  Notice of 20th Meeting of TeST Sub Committee

  Notice of 45th Meeting of Commercial Sub-Committee

 Notice of 198th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 56th NRPC Meeting

 Notice of 56th NRPC Meeting

 Gist of decisions taken in the Part-A of 197th OCC meeting of NRPC.

 Approved Outage Program of 197th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 55th NRPC Meeting

 Agenda of 197th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 26th of LGBR Sub Committee meeting

 Notice of 197th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 196th OCC Meeting

 Proposed Outage Program of 197th OCC meeting of NRPC

  Gist of 45th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 26th of LGBR Sub Committee meeting

 Agenda of 55th NRPC Meeting

 Minutes of 54th NRPC Meeting

 Gist of decisions taken in the Part-A of 196th OCC meeting of NRPC.

 Approved Outage Program of 196th OCC meeting of NRPC

  Additional Agenda of 45th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Additional Agenda of 196th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 196th OCC meeting of NRPC

  Agenda of 45th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 55th NRPC Meeting

 Notice of 196th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 195th OCC Meeting

 Proposed Outage Program of 196th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 54th NRPC Meeting

 Gist of decisions taken in the Part-A of 195th OCC meeting of NRPC.

 Approved Outage Program of 195th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 19th TeST sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 45th Protection sub-committee meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 195th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 54th NRPC Meeting

 Proposed Outage Program of 195th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 195th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 194th OCC Meeting

 LGBR 2022-23 for Northern Region

 Additional Agenda 2 of 53rd NRPC Meeting

 Additional Agenda of 53rd NRPC Meeting

 Agenda of 53rd NRPC Meeting

 Minutes of 52nd NRPC Meeting

 Gist of decisions taken in the Part-A of 194th OCC meeting of NRPC.

 Approved Outage Program of 194th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 194th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 44th Comercial Sub Committee meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 193rd OCC Meeting

 Agenda of 52nd NRPC Meeting

 Gist of decisions taken in the Part-A of 193rd OCC meeting of NRPC.

 Outage Program Approved in 193rd OCC meeting of NRPC

 Proposed Outage Program of 193rd OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 193rd OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 193rd OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 192nd OCC Meeting

 Notice of 52nd NRPC Meeting

 Additional Agenda of 19th of Telecommunication, SCADA & Telemetry Sub Committee meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 19th of Telecommunication, SCADA & Telemetry Sub Committee meeting of NRPC

 Gist of decisions taken in the Part-A of 192nd OCC meeting of NRPC.

 Additional Agenda of 51st NRPC Meeting

 Agenda of 51st NRPC Meeting

 Outage Program Approved in 192nd OCC meeting of NRPC

 Proposed Outage Program of 192nd OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 51st NRPC Meeting

 Minutes of 50th NRPC Meeting

 Agenda of 192nd OCC meeting of NRPC

 Additional agenda of 44th Commercial Sub Committee meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 44th Commercial Sub Committee meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 192nd OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 191st OCC Meeting

 Minutes of 25th of LGBR Sub Committee meeting

 Gist of decisions taken in the Part-A of 191st OCC meeting of NRPC.

 Additional Agenda - 2 of 50th NRPC Meeting

 Additional Agenda of 50th NRPC Meeting

 Outage Program Approved in 191st OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 19th of Telecommunication, SCADA & Telemetry Sub Committee meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 44th Comercial Sub Committee meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 50th NRPC Meeting

 Agenda of 191st OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 24th of LGBR Sub Committee meeting

 Proposed Outage Program of 191st OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 190th OCC Meeting

 Notice of 191st OCC meeting of NRPC

 Gist of decisions taken in the Part-A of 190th OCC meeting of NRPC.

 Outage Program Approved in 190th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 190th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Proposed Outage Program of 190th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 189th OCC Meeting

 Notice of 190th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Gist of decisions taken in the Part-A of 189th OCC meeting of NRPC.

 Minutes of 49th NRPC and 47th TCC Meeting

 Outage Program Approved in 189th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 189th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 188th OCC Meeting

 Notice of 189th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Proposed Outage Program of 189th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 23rd of LGBR Sub Committee meeting

 Gist of decisions taken in the Part-A of 188th OCC meeting of NRPC.

 Outage Program Approved in 188th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 23rd of LGBR Sub Committee meeting

 Agenda of 188th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 187th OCC Meeting

 Notice of 188th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Proposed Outage Program of 188th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Gist of decisions taken in the Part-A of 187th OCC meeting of NRPC.

 Outage Program Approved in 187th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Additional Agenda of 49th NRPC and 47th TCC Meeting

 Additional Agenda of 187th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Agenda of 187th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Proposed Outage Program of 187th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Notice of 187th OCC meeting of NRPC

 Minutes of 186th OCC Meeting

 Agenda of 49th NRPC and 47th TCC Meeting

Latest Energy Accounts
 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 030325-090325(WK-49)/2024-25

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 030325-090325(WK-49)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 030325-090325(WK-49)/2024-25

 Regional SCED Statement (Format SCED_AA) from 01st to 28th February, 2025.
 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 240225-020325(WK-48)/2024-25

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 240225-020325(WK-48)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 240225-020325(WK-48)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 170225-230225(WK-47)/2024-25

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 170225-230225(WK-47)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 170225-230225(WK-47)/2024-25

 Revised Average Monthly Frequency Response Performance- Beta ‘β’ for June 2024

 Average Monthly Frequency Response Performance- Beta ‘β’ for January, 2025

 ABT based Provisional REA for the month of February, 2025

 RTA for billing month of March, 2025 (billing period January, 2025)

 Compensation for Degradation of Heat Rate and Aux. Consumption due to Part Load Operation for November-December 2024

 Amendment-I Compensation for Degradation of Heat Rate and Aux. Consumption due to Part Load Operation for July-October 2024

 Amendment-I to ABT based Final Regional Energy Account (REA) for the month of June, 2024.

 Amendment-I to ABT based Final Regional Energy Account (REA) for the month of May, 2024.

 Amendment-I to ABT based Final Regional Energy Account (REA) for the month of April, 2024.

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 100225-160225(WK-46)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 100225-160225(WK-46)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 100225-160225(WK-46)/2024-25

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 030225-090225(WK-45)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 030225-090225(WK-45)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 030225-090225(WK-45)/2024-25
Amendment-I to ABT based Provisional REA for the month of January, 2025.

 Regional SCED Statement (Format SCED_AA) from 01st to 31st January, 2025.

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 270125-020225(WK-44)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 270125-020225(WK-44)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 270125-020225(WK-44)/2024-25

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 200125-260125(WK-43)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 200125-260125(WK-43)/2024-25br>
 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 200125-260125(WK-43)2024-25

 Compensation for Degradation of Heat Rate and Aux. Consumption due to Part Load Operation for July-October 2024

 Average Monthly Frequency Response Performance- Beta ‘β’ for April-December 2024

 ABT based Provisional REA for the month of January, 2025

 RTA and RTDA for billing month of February, 2025 (billing period December, 2024) and revised RTA for billing month of December, 2024 (billing period October, 2024)

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 130125-190125(WK-42)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 130125-190125(WK-42)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 130125-190125(WK-42)/2024-25

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 060125-120125(WK-41)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 060125-120125(WK-41)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 060125-120125(WK-41)/2024-25

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 301224-050125(WK-40)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 301224-050125(WK-40)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 301224-050125(WK-40)/2024-25

 Regional SCED Statement (Format SCED_AA) from 01st to 31st December, 2024

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 231224-291224(WK-39)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 231224-291224(WK-39)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 231224-291224(WK-39)/2024-25

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 161224-221224(WK-38)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 161224-221224(WK-38)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 161224-221224(WK-38)/2024-25

 ABT based Provisional REA for the month of December, 2024

 RTA for billing month of January, 2025 (billing period November, 2024)

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 091224-151224(WK-37)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 091224-151224(WK-37)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 091224-151224(WK-37)/2024-25

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 021224-081224(WK-36)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 021224-081224(WK-36)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 021224-081224(WK-36)/2024-25

 SCED Account for the period 01st to 30th November, 2024

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 251124-011224(WK-35)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 251124-011224(WK-35)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 251124-011224(WK-35)/2024-25

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 181124-241124(WK-34)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 181124-241124(WK-34)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 181124-241124(WK-34)/2024-25

 ABT based Provisional REA for the month of November, 2024

 RTA for billing month of December, 2024 (billing period October, 2024)

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 111124-171124(WK-33)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 111124-171124(WK-33)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 111124-171124(WK-33)/2024-25

 Revised TRAS account (Shortfall/ Emergency) and SCUC account for the week no. 1 to week no. 26 of FY 2024-25

 Amendment-I to ABT based Final Regional Energy Account (REA) for the month of October, 2023.

 Amendment-I to ABT based Final Regional Energy Account (REA) for the month of September, 2023.

 Amendment-I to ABT based Final Regional Energy Account (REA) for the month of August, 2023.

 Final REA for the month of June, 2024

 Final REA for the month of May, 2024

 Final REA for the month of April, 2024

 Final REA for the month of March, 2024

 Final REA for the month of February, 2024

 Final REA for the month of January, 2024

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 041124-101124(WK-32)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 041124-101124(WK-32)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 041124-101124(WK-32)/2024-25

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 281024-031124(WK-31)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 281024-031124(WK-31)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 281024-031124(WK-31)/2024-25

 SCED Account for the period 01st to 31st October, 2024

 Compensation for Secondary Fuel oil consumption for the year 2023-24 due to multiple start/stop of units

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 211024-271024(WK-30)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 211024-271024(WK-30)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 211024-271024(WK-30)/2024-25

 Provisional REA for the month of October, 2024

 RTA for billing month of November, 2024 (billing period September, 2024)

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 141024-201024(WK-29)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 141024-201024(WK-29)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 141024-201024(WK-29)/2024-25

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 071024-131024(WK-28)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 071024-131024(WK-28)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 071024-131024(WK-28)/2024-25

 SCED Account for the period 01st to 30th September, 2024

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 300924-061024(WK-27)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 300924-061024(WK-27)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 300924-061024(WK-27)/2024-25

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 230924-290924(WK-26)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 230924-290924(WK-26)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 230924-290924(WK-26)/2024-25

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 160924-220924(WK-25)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 160924-220924(WK-25)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 160924-220924(WK-25)/2024-25

 Provisional REA for the month of September, 2024

 RTA for the billing month of October 2024 (billing period August 2024), RTDA for billing month of September, 2024 (billing period July, 2024) and Amendment-I to RTDA for billing month of July 2024 and August 2024 (billing period May, 2024 to June, 2024)

 RTA for the billing month of October 2024 (billing period August 2024), RTDA for billing month of September, 2024 (billing period July, 2024) and Amendment-I to RTDA for billing month of July 2024 and August 2024 (billing period May, 2024 to June, 2024)

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 090924-150924(WK-24)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 090924-150924(WK-24)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 090924-150924(WK-24)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 020924-080924(WK-23)/2024-25

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 020924-080924(WK-23)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 020924-080924(WK-23)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 260824-010924(WK-22)/2024-25

 SCED Account for the period 01st to 31st August, 2024
 Reactive Energy Account for the week 260824-010924(WK-22)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 26th August to 01st September, 2024 (Week No. 22/ F.Y. 2024-25), including SCUC Account of Week-04 and Revised Ancillary Services, Regional SCUC Account for the week-07, 20 and 21 of FY 2024-25

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 190824-250824(WK-21)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 190824-250824(WK-21)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 190824-250824(WK-21)/2024-25

 Provisional REA for the month of August, 2024

 RTA for billing month of September, 2024 (billing period July, 2024) and RTDA for billing month of July and August, 2024 (billing period May and June, 2024)

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 120824-180824(WK-20)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 120824-180824(WK-20)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 120824-180824(WK-20)/2024-25

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 050824-110824(WK-19)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 050824-110824(WK-19)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 050824-110824(WK-19)/2024-25

 Revised TRAS account (Shortfall/ Emergency) for the week no. 28 to week no. 53 of FY 2023-24

 Regional SCED Statement (Format SCED3) from 01st to 31st July, 2024.

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 290724-040824(WK-18)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 290724-040824(WK-18)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 290724-040824(WK-18)/2024-25

 Account of Reactive Energy Charges for the week 22nd to 28th July, 2024 (WEEK No. 17/F.Y. 2024-25) including revised Reactive Energy accounts for the week 02 of FY 2024-25.

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 22nd to 28th July, 2024(Week No. 17/ F.Y. 2024-25), including Revised Ancillary Services and Regional SCUC Account for the week-16 of FY 2024-25.

 Statement of charges for deviation for the week 22nd to 28th July, 2024 (WEEK No. 17/F.Y.2024-25) including revised Deviation Settlement accounts for the week 16 of F.Y. 2024-25.

 Final REA for the month of December, 2023

 Final REA for the month of November, 2023

 Final REA for the month of October, 2023

 Final REA for the month of September, 2023

 Final REA for the month of August, 2023

 Final REA for the month of July, 2023

 ABT based Provisional REA for the month of July, 2024

 RTDA for billing month of March, 2024 to June, 2024 (billing period January, 2024 to April, 2024) and Amendment to RTDA for billing month of December, 2023 to February, 2024 (billing period October, 2023 to December,2023)

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 150724-210724(WK-16)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 150724-210724(WK-16)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 150724-210724(WK-16)/2024-25

 RTA for billing month of August, 2024 (billing period June, 2024)

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 080724-140724(WK-15)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 080724-140724(WK-15)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 080724-140724(WK-15)/2024-25

 Amendment-II to RTA for billing month of Jan, 2021 to Dec, 2023 and March, 2024 (billing period Nov, 2020 to Oct, 2023 and January, 2024)

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 010724-070724(WK-14)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 010724-070724(WK-14)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 010724-070724(WK-14)/2024-25

 SCED Account for the period 01st to 30th June, 2024

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 240624-300624(WK-13)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 240624-300624(WK-13)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 240624-300624(WK-13)/2024-25

 Revised TRAS Shortfall/Emergency Condition and Regional SCUC Account account for the weeks 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of FY 2024-25.

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 170624-230624(WK-12)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 170624-230624(WK-12)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 170624-230624(WK-12)/2024-25

 ABT based Provisional REA for the month of June, 2024

 RTA for billing month of July, 2024 (billing period May, 2024)

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 100624-160624(WK-11)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 100624-160624(WK-11)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 100624-160624(WK-11)/2024-25

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 030624-090624(WK-10)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 030624-090624(WK-10)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 030624-090624(WK-10)/2024-25

 SCED Account for the period 01st to 31st May, 2024

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 270524-020624(WK-09)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 270524-020624(WK-09)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 270524-020624(WK-09)/2024-25

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 200524-260524(WK-08)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 200524-260524(WK-08)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 200524-260524(WK-08)/2024-25

 Amendment-II to ABT based provisional Regional Energy Account (REA) for the month of April, 2024.

 ABT based Provisional REA for the month of May, 2024

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 130524-190524(WK-07)/2024-25

 Ancillary Services Account and Regional SCUC Account for the week 130524-190524(WK-07)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 130524-190524(WK-07)/2024-25

 Regional SCUC Weekly Statement (Format SCUC_AA) and Net Regional Shortfall/emergency and SCUC weekly Statement (Format SCUC_BB) for the week from 06th to 12th May, 2024 (Week No 06/ F.Y. 2024-25)

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 060524-120524(WK-06)/2024-25

 SRAS and TRAS Account for the week 060524-120524(WK-06)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 060524-120524(WK-06)/2024-25

 Regional SCUC Weekly Statement (Format SCUC_AA) and Net Regional Shortfall/emergency and SCUC weekly Statement (Format SCUC_BB) for the week from 29th April to 05th May, 2024 (Week No 05/ F.Y. 2024-25)

 SCED Account for the period 01st to 30th April, 2024

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 290424-050524(WK-05)/2024-25

 SRAS and TRAS Account for the week 290424-050524(WK-05)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 290424-050524(WK-05)/2024-25

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 220424-280424(WK-04)/2024-25

 SRAS and TRAS Account for the week 220424-280424(WK-04)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 220424-280424(WK-04)/2024-25

 Amendment-I to ABT based provisional Regional Energy Account (REA) for the month of April, 2024.

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 150424-210424(WK-03)/2024-25

 SRAS and TRAS Account for the week 150424-210424(WK-03)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 150424-210424(WK-03)/2024-25

 ABT based Provisional REA for the month of April, 2024

 RTA for billing month of May, 2024 (billing period March, 2024)

 Amendment to RTA for the month of October, 2016 to March, 2017.

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 080424-140424(WK-02)/2024-25

 SRAS and TRAS Account for the week 080424-140424(WK-02)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 080424-140424(WK-02)/2024-25

 Revised TRAS and SRAS (Revision-3) account for the week 180324-240324(WK-52) of FY 2023-24./2023-24

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 010424-070424(WK-01)/2024-25

 SRAS and TRAS Account for the week 010424-070424(WK-01)/2024-25

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 010424-070424(WK-01)/2024-25

 SCED Account for the period 01st to 31st March, 2024

 SRAS and TRAS Account for the week 250324-310324(WK-53)/2023-24

 Amendment-I to ABT based provisional Regional Energy Account (REA) for the month of February, 2024.

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 250324-310324(WK-53)/2023-24

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 250324-310324(WK-53)/2023-24

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 180324-240324(WK-52)/2023-24

 SRAS and TRAS Account for the week 180324-240324(WK-52)/2023-24

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 180324-240324(WK-52)/2023-24

 Provisional REA for the month of March, 2024

 RTA for billing month of April, 2024 (billing period February, 2024)

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 110324-170324(WK-51)/2023-24

 SRAS and TRAS Account for the week 110324-170324(WK-51)/2023-24

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 110324-170324(WK-51)/2023-24

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 040324-100324(WK-50)/2023-24

 SRAS and TRAS Account for the week 040324-100324(WK-50)/2023-24

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 040324-100324(WK-50)/2023-24

 SCED Account for the period 01st to 29th February, 2024

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 260224-030324(WK-49)/2023-24

 SRAS and TRAS Account for the week 2560224-030324(WK-49)/2023-24

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 2560224-030324(WK-49)/2023-24

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 190224-250224(WK-48)/2023-24

 SRAS and TRAS Account for the week 190224-250224(WK-48)/2023-24

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 190224-250224(WK-48)/2023-24

 Provisional REA for the month of February, 2024

 RTA for billing month of March, 2024 (billing period January, 2024)

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 120224-180224(WK-47)/2023-24

 SRAS and TRAS Account for the week 120224-180224(WK-47)/2023-24

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 120224-180224(WK-47)/2023-24

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 050224-110224(WK-46)/2023-24

 SRAS and TRAS Account for the week 050224-110224(WK-46)/2023-24

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 050224-110224(WK-46)/2023-24

 Revised Regional SCED Statement (Format SCED3) from 01st to 30th June, 2023

 Revised RRAS Statement and SRAS Account for the week 09 and Revised TRAS Accounts for the week 34 of FY 2023-24

 SCED Account for the period 01st to 31st January, 2024

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 290124-040224(WK-45)/2023-24

 SRAS and TRAS Account for the week 290124-040224(WK-45)/2023-24

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 290124-040224(WK-45)/2023-24

 Reactive Energy Account for the week 220124-280124(WK-44)/2023-24

 SRAS and TRAS Account for the week 220124-280124(WK-44)/2023-24

 Deviation Settlement Account for the week 220124-280124(WK-44)/2023-24

 Amendment to RTA for billing months of January, 2024(billing period November, 2023)

 Amendment to RTA for billing months of December, 2023(billing period October, 2023)

 Final REA for the month of June, 2023

 Final REA for the month of May, 2023

 Final REA for the month of April, 2023

 Provisional REA for the month of January, 2024

 Allocation of Power from KhurjaSupercritical Thermal Power Project (1320 MW) byTHDC India Limited in Uttar Pradesh- (Revision No - 06/2024-25).

 Allocation of Power from Ghatampur TPS- 3x660 MW by NUPPL (Revision No - 05/2024-25).

 Allocation of Power to Rajasthan out of specific allocation to Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh from UA pool of northern region- (Revision No - 04/2024-25).

 Revision in Allocation of Power from Un-allocated quota of Central Generating Stations (CGSs) of NR during winter months of 2024-25 (Revision No - 03/2024-25).

 Allocation of Power to Punjab out of specific allocation to Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh from UA pool of northern region-(Revision No - 02/2024-25).

 Revision in Allocation of Power from Un-allocated quota of Central Generating Stations (CGSs) of NR during summer months of 2024-25-reg.(Revision No - 01/2023-24).

 Allocation of Power to J&K and Uttarakhand out of specific allocation to Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh - (Revision No - 05/2023-24).

 Allocation of Power from Central Generating Stations (CGSs) of NR free power bifurcation (Revision No - 04/2023-24)

 Revision in Allocation of Power from Un-allocated quota of CGSs of NR during winter months of 2023-24 - (Revision No - 03)/2023-24

 De-allocation of Power to Bihar from UA Quota of NR- (Revision No - 02/2023-24)

 Pension Adalat to be held on 17th May, 2023, Nomination of officers - Regarding.

 Allocation of Power to Bihar from Un-allocated quota of CGSs of NR- (Revision No - 01/2023-24)

 Revision in Allocation of Power from Un-allocated quota of CGSs of NR during summer months of 2023-24 - (Revision No - 13)/2022-23

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Northern Regional Power Committee
18-A, Qutab Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg
Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi-110 016
EPABX No. 011-26967842/26868681/26567341 Fax 011-26865206
© Northern Regional Power Committee